
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Conduit 2 Wii Review

High voltage software and SEGA brought the another sequel to the first game which came in 2009, the original Conduit is superb when comes on the wii exclusive but it's still the most underrated FPS Action on Wii system and now the sequel came last year 2011 which i'm looking forward to see that is a Conduit 2 for Nintendo Wii, the story continues with Michael Ford is headed to Conduit portal to chase after the tratior John Adams wants to hunt him down to collect ASE devices to take over the world, it's features with newer gameplay schemes which the Wii remote is now able to play motionplus which seems something new from the original and you could also play Wii classic controller which makes you playing a real FPS games is definely makes a FPS fans far lot more impressive for games controls, the graphics is far lot better than most of a Nintendo Wii games titles when it's comes with a Quantium 3 engine to just a help the level design and characters to look more far detailed, the single player campaign mode is fun to play but the only problem is it's has 9 level which kinda short, same to the first game that took me about 3 or 4 days to complete is not enough levels, the weapons is far like Bungie's halo series such as Phase Rifle shoots through the wall and Shrieker that can fly bullets, Deatomizer Mk4 which changes between charge up shot and rapid shot and others has a fantastic concipt looking weapons, the characters are quite impressive since the original conduit, Michael Ford's new armor is way lot better than the original, reminds me of Master Chief from Halo and Drudge drone is lot like Elites monsters from Halo, WOW taking about characters inspration, the music is kick ass and sounds is ok'ay but not so WOW effects for gun shooting which needs to be loud enough, the voice acting is different from the original, sounds like Michael Ford with Duke Nukem voice is something sounds new, nicely work done Jon St Jon, and promethus is sounds like a computer generated system rather than the normal voices from the first game, oops, lets head back to the muiltiplayer, online mulitiplayer is quite lot improved from the first games by fixing the problems from the hacking the gameplay, you could also play split screen mode to play 4 player battles which is fun way to play with your friends and family nearby, the deathmatch is cool and others is quite boring as ever, the invasion mode is not that bad but only problem was it's has a one buggy character skimmers did'nt move at all which something wrong with AI, epic fail, the good thing is you can customise the characters and weapons on muiltiplayer menu which is pretty fastinating, I say muiltiplayer is not that bad at all but it's better than the original, ok'ay then what can I say about this game, should I give this game a chance, here is my score.

Gameplay 8/10 - Controls scheme is played great because you can customised the controls settings is best way to help the gameplay more better especially the classic controller is way better to play with.

Graphics 8/10 - I say the graphics is getting lot bolder and better when comes with Quantium 3 engine for Wii is to help making level design and characters a lot more decent than the most of the FPS game on Wii.

Music and Sounds 6.5/10 - The Music is brilliant, sounds effect is sounds little cheap for gunshooting and the voice acting is not that bad as the originals.

Special Features 8/10 - More muiltiplayer modes, more weapons, more characters and unlockables stuff.

Downside - One buggy character Skimmer has a AI problems during the invasion modes.
ASE match and others are not good as the deathmatch modes for muiltiplayers.

Overall 7.7/10 - Conduit 2 is a good sequel with more improvements and few little mistakes, the first game is great and this game is definely get it on Wii, buy it.

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