
Monday 7 October 2024

Resident Evil 4 PS5 Review


Resident Evil 4 is a survival-horror game was released in 2023 for PS5, PS4, XSX/S, and PC. It was both developed and published by Capcom, and it is a full remake of 2005's original game of the same name.   

Before I get into the review, I wanted to talk about the good old horror masterpiece that was released back in the year of 2005 for the Gamecube. 
I remember the days when I bought one of the Nintendo's related gaming magazines which bundled with the bonus DVD disc that included the teaser trailer of the upcoming games, so I've discovered the game that caught my excitement as the long-time fan of the Capcom's greatest horror franchise, so that is Resident Evil 4.
I was blowned away with the trailer that I've watched on my DVD player, so what I've seen on the teaser trailer is that I'm really amazed with the incredible graphic design showcasing the Gamecube's hardware, the new style of presentation mixed with the elements of both horror and action combined, and mostly the most important part of the game is the new gameplay changes which makes the huge departure of the previous fixed-angle style like the first threes RE games are being replaced with the modern-take over-the-shoulder perspective, so it delivers the new different type of experience that Capcom wanted to create a new direction to the series.
After I've watched the trailer, I begged my siblings to get me a copy of the Resident Evil 4 for Gamecube during my summer off from the high school, but they struggle to get one from online retail like Amazon and eBay due to limited availability or some others are quite pricy which unfortunately which is why it took so long to get one just completely wasted my whole two months of summer holidays until I got it at the end of the summer months which I finally had a chance to play the game that I'm definitely looking forward for the biggest RE's sequel.
I'm been playing for hours of campaign which I am incredibly impressed with the whole game that took the horror genres to its new level, so it has multiples of crazy villagers and monsters to encounter, solving the puzzles in each areas, confronting the villains before the boss battles begins, it has solid overall story and likable cast of characters, the combat gameplay with strong precision aiming controls and additional QTE for close melee and other events, and of course the settings of the horror and action delivers a new approach to the series which is why I consider the game as one of my all-time favourite RE games in the series.        

The game was universally acclaimed at the release praised by the critics calling it the best horror game ever created and has won multiple game of the year awards in 2005.
The success of the game was ported to numerous formats, and became a cross-platform hit which sold over 12.3 million copies. 
It's redefining the evolution of the survival horror and 3rd-person shooter genres which popularizing the 3rd-person view terms over-the-shoulder perspective are used in later games such as Epic Games's Gears of War, EA's Dead Space, and Naughty Dog's The Last of Us.

As the Resident Evil 4 are clearly the best in the franchise, the game was later been remade it in 2023 as I learned the success of the other RE remakes that Capcom did it so well with the 2019's title like Resident Evil 2 as an main example of how to create the best quality remake as possible, which is why I see Capcom had decided to remake the 4th title that I am so excited to play it is because I wanted to see if the 2023's remake actually captures a same magic as the 2005's original game, so the answer is yes absolutely which I had a reason to enjoy the 2023's remake.
I will covering all the goods and some bads that I wanted to deliver the things that made the game quite fun to play and some that needs to be addressed.

So without go further do, let's start the review.


The opening intro explains the outbreak incident took place in year 1998 when the whole town of Raccoon City was infested with the deadly viruses created by Umbrella Corporation. After the following destruction that wiped out the entire Raccoon City to end Umbrella's ongoing bioterrorism weapon, the former Raccoon Police Officer Leon Scott Kennedy, who survived the 1998 outbreak event, has been transferred to work with the US Government as an agent and undergoes combat training with Major Jack Krauser.
In 6 years later set in 2004, he is sent in mission to rescue president's daughter named Ashley Graham who was held captured by villagers in Spain. 

So far, the story in the game is incredibly great starting with the small backstory at the opening scenes which explains how did Leon had survived the event of the 1998's outbreak incident and then later joining with the US Government to become the undercover agent, so right after the combat training program had finished then it skips to the next scene set in 6 years later where he is sent by US Government to search and rescue president's daughter which is likely she was captured by the cult groups known as Los Illuminatos led by Osmund Saddler.
Yeah I believe these are the same cult groups does a weird satanic rituals going on where they practicing on something really dangerous performing like removing human organs and chopping their heads off to drain amount of bloods on the ritual stones which is quite disturbing especially like in every horror movies does a same scene of these satanic shit with multiples human sacrifices are sure does look nasty to watch.
I really liked the new idea of going on different direction in RE4 because it makes the game quite interesting to play, so instead of the traditional zombie horror approach like from the previous threes games it goes for a new style of horror that involving these mentally-sick villagers are being plagued by these parasites that controlling their minds, so I find that part is batshit insane which I had a reason to like the game.
Aside the opening story is really good, I also wanted to praise the cast of characters in the game like Leon Scott Kennedy which I really liked him from the original and remake of RE 2 and he is incredibly badass in this game, as he has the intelligent, makes really good one-liner, and of course putting up really cool gun fight against the villagers and bosses is what I liked about him.
He has the assistant Ingrid Hunnigan aiding him with the locations and infos through the radio call during the mission.
He then meets with the Spanish dude named Luis Sera, an former researcher who worked once with Umbrella, must work together to escape from the village while Leon still went for searching Ashley whereabouts.
I consider Luis Sera seems to be a nice guy when he's kindly helping Leon throughout the village especially he's giving out supplies of ammos to Leon during the shootout against the villagers and also he has a cool sense of humour which you can't go wrong with him...yeah, he's good.
Then you have Ashley Graham who introduce herself to Leon, so as I really hated her from the 2005's original game was worst known for it's annoying voice and acting overly-dramatic throughout the game especially I can't stand her catchphrase (LEON HELLLLLLP!!!) when she's screaming at Leon for help...god damnit my ears is aching so bad make it stooooop!!!
But in this remake, they have reduced her silly characterization to avoid annoyance of her dramatic voice and of course making her true competence than she was in the 2005's original game, so does it make it better? well it's a little bit better than was before as an character but she still kinda has the flaw for some part in the game which I will explain her problems in the gameplay for later.                              There are a returning character called Ada Wong in which you may know her as the mysterious Asian female agent in both the original and remake of RE 2. 
She then sometime meeting with Leon at short amount of screen time, till then off she's goes on her own adventure...yeah that's Ada for you guys.
To be frankly honest with Ada Wong is that I rather much preferred her appearance from the 2005's original game over the remake version is because I finding her in the remake is kinda flat with her new default outfit like the woolly jumper and leather harness doesn't seem to be quite appealing in comparison with the 2005's original game which she used to have a really nice long side-split dress and her choker that made her quite recognisable throughout the campaign. 
Not only her new default outfit that bothered me the most, it's mostly the voice performance aren't nearly good as the previous VA from the 2005's original game which I will explain it for later on this I really miss the real Ada Wong aren't the same anymore.  
I got to like the Merchant guy with purple mask who carries his arsenals on his long-ass big coat, and he uses his likable catchphrase in every sentence by calling the player stranger, as well as making a really cool dialogue in any part of conversation with the player.  
I got to say the game does have the best selection of villains like you have tall-bearded village chief Bitores Mendez seems to be looking quite terrifying and shows off his incredible strength. 
Then you have Ramon Salazar who is an ally to cult member group was responsible for spreading the parasites across the local area ordered by Saddler.
There are one villainous soldier called Jack Krauser who was once US Army Major and Leon's former mentor and instructor but now joining the cult group led by Saddler, as he was responsible for kidnapping U.S president's daughter and brought her to the village as an act of revenge against the U.S government for their handling of his mission under Operation Javier that he survived 2 years prior that resulted losing his entire unit members. 
Lastly, you have a sadistic cult leader Osmund Saddler who are plotting to infecting not only just the U.S president's daughter, but also in hope that she will return home and infect high-ranking members of the U.S government, then attempts to control them, and of course seize control of the country and the world.

I say that I really liked the overall presentation of the game is because unlike the previous entries like RE 1, 2, 3, and CV which are heavily focused on the outbreak crisis sort of horror stuffs which has zombies and bio-monsters experiment from the most corrupted corporation facility, I find the RE4 is going in different direction which involves the evil cult leader and his groups of occultist involving mind-controlling, performing disturbing rituals, spreading plagues of diseases, does horrible kidnapping, and of course plotting to destroy the world which I really liked the changes that beings the new concept to the RE main series.
There are several of locations that are incredibly great in the game like you have places such as the village area are filled with many abandoned houses, old churches, filthy farmhouse, the valley, and lake caverns.
The castle area which as creepy looking outdoors, medieval-style rooms, deserted halls and libraries, and the clock tower.
The Island has grim looking underground area, medical facility, laboratory, freezer room, and the ritual area. 

Overall, it has remarkable story, likable cast of characters, and stunning presentation settings.


In single-player campaign, you take control of Leon Scott Kennedy in 3rd-person perspective as your main goal is to rescue and protect Ashley Graham from bunch of villagers and the occult groups.
You move around the player by pushing the left-stick controls, while tapping the left thumbstick or right shoulder button to sprint.
Pushing the right-stick controls will rotate the camera around which are also used for aiming as well.
You can crouch down your player by pressing the circle button which are useful for stealth play in some areas, and you can also interact the stuff and picking-up the objects by pressing the cross button.
You can access to your inventory screen by pressing the triangle button which allowing you to re-organise, sorting out, and equipping your weapons and items, and you can also highlight your weapons as the quick short-cut which is the quickest way of switching your weapons by pressing the d-pad button during the combat. 
In combat gameplay, You hold the left trigger button to ready-aim then press the right trigger button to shoot at the enemies, and you can also use your knife as the melee weapon by pressing the right trigger button, when not holding the left trigger button, to use it as slash attack or hold the left shoulder button then press the right trigger button to use it as quick stab attack, so it works mostly on close-combat range against the enemies. 
When the enemies are grabbing you, you can perform one of the QTE action such as tapping the cross button to push them away or press the right trigger button to use instant stab attack when the right shoulder button icon appears on the screen, and when you're properly stunned the enemies down you can also perform finishing kill in close-range when the cross button icon appears on the screen.
You can parry your enemy's attack by pressing the left shoulder button to deflect their melee weapon projectiles, so when they about to attack you make sure you do it in right timing then their weapon is near close to you. 
You can quickly reload your weapon by pressing the square button when you're out of the ammo, so do it wisely before you take the shot at your enemies.
You have Ashley in later chapter where in order to protect her from the stuff that endangered her, you had to give her three ways commands by pressing the right thumbstick button, so stuff like telling her to wait which she will not move around while staying on the spot, where as telling her to follow only if you see the areas are fully cleared or maybe you'll see the enemies came to close at her, and of course you had to give her order by interacting with stuffs such as hitting the switch or holding the crank for longer till you've reached at the point of the area. 
While out for exploring around the areas, you can also access to map screen by pressing the touchpad button to display maps which shows the location that you're on, so this will display the name of locations, the icons such as items, currencies, save point and etc. 
This will make an easier for players to know where they are and where they are heading to, so this is really helps you to find your destination in some whereabouts in the area. 
To keep you in mind that defeating various of enemies will drop the items like the herbs which each of these will have a different effect such as green herb which increases amount of your health, but combing with red herbs will increases higher amount of your health, the yellow herbs with green or red herbs combined will expand your health meter makes your player's health last longer.
Then they also dropped ammo items such as bullets, shells, and bolts, and then of course the most importantly the currencies which you can able to save those for one of the merchant's shop for buying and selling stuffs, but if you want to gain more currencies then you can able to find a valuable items which can be found inside the treasure boxes in any areas, so that you can able to sell it for the higher price.  

I also wanted to discuss the combat in this game because there each of weapons, accessories, and upgrades that has an advantages, so you have a pistol that are well-balanced are very good for the beginners does a decent amount of firing damage, where as the shotguns performs a strong close-range firing damage, the sub-machine guns has weaker firing damage but performs much faster firing rate and are quite effective for mid-range firing shot, the assault rifle is a stronger version of machine guns delivering a powerful firing damage shot, the sniper rifle has very powerful firing shot in one shot kills and really effective for long-distance shot, the bolt thrower uses the bolt like arrow as the ammunition, the handcannon is a big revolver delivers a instant firing damage shot works effectively against bigger and strong enemies, and of course the rocket launcher does a explosive damage instantly kills the enemies or bosses.
You can use the throwing weapon item such as hand grenades which you will throw it at the enemies and does a explosive damage impact, where as the flash grenades uses to temporarily blind your enemies for 5 seconds.
What made the game quite so amazing is that you can meet up with the merchant for shopping which he's sells you a various of weapons, upgrades, and accessories, as well as you can also sell your valuable stuffs or stuff that you don't really need to earn many currencies making it easier to afford available things.   
You will have the lists of various weapons like pistols, shotguns, machine-guns, rifles, launchers, boltgun, and etc, so you can able to compare your current weapon that you're using before purchasing the new ones that are really better and effective. 
The upgrades will improve upon your firing power making it a stronger firing damage, the firing rate will make the weapon targeting system much precise and easier to fire, the reloading speed will make you reload your weapon much faster, and of course the capacity will increase your ammunition spaces.  
You can buy the accessories became a useful tool for your weapons like the scope are useful for toggling zoom-ins at long-distance, the attachable mines that detonate upon proximity, the recoil attachments which reduces the firing discharge with perfect firing target, the laser sight is much easier to point at the enemies with targeting red dot.  
I say the controls is very good indeed is because you have an options to customise your control configuration to suit your playability such as your camera sensitivity and acceleration, suitable aiming precision, has 4 presets control layouts, toggle or hold sprint options, parrying with the right-trigger button instead of the left-shoulder button, and of course the auto-reloading function which makes the entire control schemes a lot easier to play.
I also liked the haptic feedback on the triggers depending on which weapons you're equipping with, so I really liked the heavy precision on the left trigger button when equipping with shotgun, and I also can feel and pushing the right-trigger button when using the pistol feels like I'm pushing the real trigger of handgun just makes the game playing realistic. 
Aside with the controls, the combat in this game is fantastic because I find most of these weapons works really well for its balanced and responsiveness knowing some of these light weapons are worked effectively on several of small enemies where as the bigger and powerful ones worked effectively against the bigger enemies and bosses, and I wanted to praise the upgrades that keeps the firing power, reload speed, and firing rate enhanced that makes your weapons becoming even more stronger and easier to battle against the later enemies that takes a longer to kill them, and you can't go wrong with the accessories that comes in very handy for some weapons that needs additional support like zoom-ins scopes, recoil attachment, and laser pointing devices seems to work nicely for combat gameplay.
I also wanted to say that I really liked exploring around the locations because not only you can do a main mission, but you can participate some side quests like shooting down blue medallions, shooting down rats and snakes, haunting for golden chicken egg, catch a big fish, and other requests, so if you're completed these side quest will give you sort of an reward which is why it keeps me playing the game.
The best part of the whole game is got to be an action segments which had the best moments in every chapters like the Leon and Luis fighting against the incoming foes at the minecart ride, there are a shootout mayhem where Leon was assisted by the person in the helicopter, the knife duel between Leon and Krauser is quite entertaining to watch and play at the same time, and then of course it has to be a boss battles which is epically amazing because it has several of the best bosses in any of RE games, so you have a gigantic sea monster on the large sized lake where you had to throw the harpoon at them while riding on the boat, there are one or two big ugly f***ing ogre can able to charge, throw, stomp and swing at you, there are tall-man father mendez will change his form into a long-spinal creature in burning farmhouse, there are fat guy with helmet welds with large two-claws blade that are stupidly long will violently slash you in pieces, there are a monster with big-hands and deadly long-tail in the freezing corridor area, there a Jack Krauser has impressive but deadly mutated arm-blade, and of course Ramon Salazar and Osmund Saddler has incredible powerful form are looking quite gruesome to fight.
I wanted to praise the puzzle aspects that leads you to the next area, so there are segments like gather the emblem pieces or finding the id card that unlocks the door, solving the symbol puzzle like hitting the 8 correct coordinate buttons and re-assign the colored church-glass, find the right combination time on clock, re-arranging the lithographic stones, figuring out the clues on dining table, switching the treasury swords around, and there's many more puzzles in the game that are not really hard to solve it.
As I've enjoyed the whole game, I wanted to point out one of the thing that kinda drove me insane is like I've mentioned about Ashley earlier ago, I find her A.I tends to be quite tedious in gameplay parts where she gets in your way when you're trying to shoot down the enemies and sometimes when she gets incapacitated by the enemy's projectiles she sat on the floor which forcing you to make her stand up on her feet, so if you don't save her while she was still on the floor for while then she'll receive a second hit from the enemies and dies...yeah it's still can be pain in the ass most of the time which is why her A.I system is not that perfect to be honest with it.

As the whole main campaign is still outstanding, I had a gold edition which comes with the 1 additional campaign called Separate Ways where you take control of Ada Wong, as it sets in the same event as the main campaign but mainly focused on her uncovered story scenario where she went on her mission to retrieve the most wanted sample, so the campaign is shorter than the main ones but still really good to play with additional story.
The game has 2 free DLCs to download such as the mercenaries mode where you take control of playable characters in each bonus stages, as your main goal is to gain enough hi-scores as possible by shooting many hordes of enemies for multiples combo before the timer runs out which I find this game mode really fun to play just like a good old 2005's original game, and then you'll have VR mode is basically a whole single-player game but requires PSVR 2 headset to play a VR mode which is an interesting thing because I never actually own the PSVR 2 headset, but I been heard many good things from those who have played it with the VR headset said really positive things about the VR mode just delivers an immersive horror experience they ever that's really good to hear from these people.

Overall, it has very good controls, fantastic combat, epic boss battles, and great single-player campaign with fun puzzles and entertaining action segments. 


You can't go wrong with the use of RE Engine providing the best overall graphics for the 9th-gen system that runs really well throughout the single-player action.
The environmental settings in many areas are considered as rich and detailed delivering a very good textures mapping and surfacing that are perfectly sharp, and I also praise the use of ray-tracing support for its cleaner reflection on the sea is quite amazing to look and you'll see the shiny looking objects are sure nice and glossy, and then the use of special effects such as the flames, rains, ices, and dust is also quite impressive in some areas.
The level design has the great mix of small and large portion of the areas that are surprisingly well designed making the exploration a straight-forward to browse around the locations.
I also loved the look of the draw-distance that are not stupidly blurry and cloudy which I am amazed by seeing such a clear details on longer ranged backgrounds.
The character's animation is very well done indeed which doesn't feel look clunky and dull at all because their movement is quite smooth and their facial features has a perfect lip-syncing that are not out of place and keeping it well intact during the dialogue conversation.
We all know RE series was the best for its gruesomely gorefest level makes the blood pouring around the ground, their limbs and particles of bodies gets mutilated in pieces, and of course the enemy and bosses violently changes their body form is absurdly gross to watch...holy shit, that's is looking quite extremely awesome. 

I wanted to discuss the game's performance for each platforms, so before I begin comparing with other system, the game has 4 graphical options such as performance mode, performance RT, fidelity mode, fidelity RT.
The performance mode is just an simple full-on 60fps resulting smooth gameplay but has low quality visuals, the performance RT which is like the performance mode but had ray-tracing turned on providing a good balance of frame-rate and visuals are slightly bit crisper, the fidelity mode is basically runs on full 4k resolution resulting a cleaner visual but makes performance dropped down between 45-60fps, and finally the fidelity RT which is like the fidelity mode but with ray-tracing turned on does make the visuals slight better but it ran quite slow in between 35-60fps.
I say I highly recommended to run it on the performance RT mode over the other 3 settings because I just mostly preferred to play it on a decent frame-rate and good amount of visuals, where as the fidelity mode stuffs are looking better for its cleaner resolution but has a rough edge on frame-rate performance in some areas.
That being said, the graphics is still fantastic especially on PS5 and XSX/S (X model) are the perfect pick for console owners to play this game, where as the XSX/S (S model) which is kinda mere below-average at best due to frame-rate dips in some areas but ran better than the PS4 version which is way worse running on low resolution and has sluggish performance makes it unplayable, so stick it to PS5 and XSX/S (X model) for the best option.
I also heard the PC version is way much better for its customisable visuals and performance options making it a best way to play RE games for PC gaming for suitable playthrough. 

Overall, it has rich and detailed environmental settings, great size of level-design, well-made character's animation, and gruesomely gorefest level.

Music and Sounds

As much as I loved the original soundtrack from the 2005's original game of the same name, the new soundtrack in this game is just sounds magnificent in which you can't go wrong with the RE series was known for its having the greatest video game soundtrack of all-times.
It has a perfect creepyness of ambient music as well as the epicness of orchestral music throughout the campaign, as it was composed by Misao Senbogi, who had previously worked on his score for the original RE 4 game, did involve participating of making a score on the remake along with others like Kota Suzuki and Nozomi Ohmoto did a wonderful job of creating the most finest music that fits the whole action of survival horror game.
The sound effects are incredibly fascinating is because I really liked the sounds that surrounding around the speakers just feels perfection with the gaming chairs or 3D headsets just delivers a impressive background noises and thumping sounds, but hey I also loved the radio conversation which you can clearly hear it from the built-in speakers of the game controller just absolutely amazing to hear. 
I say the voice casting for Leon in the remake is pretty sounds great in the game are just about good as the original VA from 2005's original game what makes the lead character so likable in the RE franchise, and I'm happy to say that the Ashley's VA in the remake is sounded less aggravating than the ones in 2005's original game which is an fair improvement since then...thank god for that, and unfortunately the Ada's VA in the remake is sounds kinda bad which didn't quite fit the performance of the character, so why's does Ada's new VA sounded like an very bored grandma is just beyond me, but in comparison with the previous VA from the 2005's original game are miles way better in my opinion.    

Overall, it has wonderful soundtrack and excellent sound design. 

Special Features

The best things about the gold edition is that I did mentioned about the additional campaign such as Separate Ways which is really good scenario, and it is also comes with extra DLCs Pack which includes costumes for Leon and Ashley, deluxe weapons such as Sentinel Nine and Skull Shaker, treasure map expansion, Leon accessory and of course the original RE 4 soundtrack.
The game also came with free downloadable DLCs such as the mercenaries mode and VR mode as well.

Overall, an astonishing features.


Remarkable story and likable characters

Stunning presentation settings

Fantastic gameplay

Great single-player campaign

Superb overall visuals

Wonderful soundtrack

Extra content including additional campaign, mercenaries, and VR mode.


Ashley's A.I needs an improvement.

Ada's appearance and VA's performance in the remake aren't good as the original counterpart.


Final Verdict

Presentation 9/10 -  remarkable story, likable cast of characters, and stunning presentation settings.

Gameplay 9/10 - very good controls, fantastic combat, epic boss battles, and great single-player campaign with fun puzzles and entertaining action segments.

Graphics 9/10 - rich and detailed environmental settings, great size of level-design, well-made character's animation, and gruesomely gorefest level.

Music and Sounds 9/10 - wonderful soundtrack and excellent sound design.

Special Features 9/10 - has additional campaign, mercenaries, and VR mode.    

Overall 9/10 - As much as I've loved the 2005's original game of the same name, the RE4 remake is a solid perfection horror title that you can't go wrong with the Resident Evil franchise which provides the best libraries of the remakes like RE1 (2002) and RE2 (2019) which I consider these twos such legendary masterpiece, so this game deserves to be on the same list which makes RE4 still being my number 1 favourite RE games...yes both the original and remake, so why not. 
I'm still satisfied with the well-written story and characters, as well as the overall presentation keeps the horror design intact.
The combat, the puzzles, the segments, the boss fights, and list so many goes on in the campaign that keeps me entertained with the game for the hours of fun.

The physical copy for PS5, PS4, and XSX/S has two different editions such as the standard edition are slightly cheaper about £20 to £25 where as the gold edition comes with extra content that I've mentioned before just cost around £35, but be warned to make sure you don't accidently buy the wrong version of the game which happens to be mistaken with the original game, so pay really close attention to the front cover stranger just to be sure it is a remake of the game should have an initials letter of R and E in red colour before making the purchase online.
The digital storefront including PS Store, Xbox Store, and Steam has standard edition just for £35 where as the gold edition bundle should cost between £40 and £45, but then again be sure to double check it before buying the right version to pick, hey stranger.    
Is it the recommendation for the horror gaming fans? absolutely because I'm sure the fans of the original RE4 will likely to appreciate the remake that does a job done amazing by the Capcom's development team, so this is a must play title for 9th-gen consoles and modern PCs. 
I am hoping they will consider remaking Code Veronica in the future perfect when their time is right to start developing someday...maybe just maybe someday I say, so that being said please go check out Resident Evil 4 remake I can guarantee that you will love this title as being the greatest horror game of all-time.   

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This is Zeeshan Mirza's Blog and I'll see you next time, happy blogging everyone stranger and come back anytime.