
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Uncharted: Golden Abyss PSVita Digital Download Review

Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a epic adventure game for PSVita, created by Naughty Dog. This game takes place before the events of the original game Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. Nathan Drake travels to Panama along with his old pal Jason Dante who taken him to his dig site and introducing his partner Marissa Chase who wanted to help Drake's job just before Drake and Chase gets troubled by Groups of Guerro's men which Roberto Guerro orders his mens to capture them even Jason Dante betrays Drake and Chase for no reasons.
Drake and Chase began to start their quest to find the way to escape from Guerro's base and explore the truths about the Golden Abyss in temple ruins.
I like the character Nathan Drake, which he is just good as the Indiana Jones, has a well skilled climbing, jumping from the ledge, combat fighting skills, collecting treasures for goods, exploring the worlds and some good sense of humour which makes the character so good.
This game on PSVita is quite different from a PS3 counterpart which features the motions controls and touch screen control which is a interesting concepts to have a accurate gameplay. The gameplay is fantastic for combat controls, puzzles solving, climbing skills, motions and touchscreen controls which really makes the gameplay plays outstanding.
The graphics is excellent for backgrounds, textures, visuals, characters design and smooth animation makes the game look brighter and well detailed.
The music and sounds has a best soundtrack in the game, excellent voice work and awesome sound effects.
The special features has Black Market to trade your items through PSN, in single player which you can find a treasure to collect, trade items to find and trophy support.


Outstanding gameplay

Excellent graphics

Epic music and sounds

Great storyplot

Great characters


Unlike PS3 counterpart, it has no online muiltiplayer and no co-ops on this game.

Not enough special features.

Final Verdict

here is my final opinion of this game that will finally deserves the best.

Gameplay 9.1/10 - Outstanding gameplay for combat controls, puzzles solving, climbing skills, motions and touchscreen controls.

Graphics 9.4/10 - Excellent graphics for backgrounds, textures, visuals, characters design and smooth animation.

Music and Sounds 10/10 - best soundtrack in the game, excellent voice work and awesome sound effects.

Special Features 6.1/10 - It's needs some more enough features to have.

Overall 9/10 - This is one of the best prequels so far to original game on critically acclaimed series itself.
Naughty Dog deserves to put a best adventure games on Sony's exclusives.
I can guarantee you to buy this on PSVita.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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