
Wednesday 16 November 2011

Top 10 run and gun games

You love playing games that you want to shoot the hell of these scumbags, so here is a top 10 run and gun games that deserves the best on the list.

10 - Turrican Series

You know whats the best classic run and gun in 80's and 90's, yes it is Turrican series. The first and second game was originally release on the Amiga and various versions in 80's and it considered to be greatest run n gun shooter for the Amiga Computer and we have Mega Turrican on SEGA Genesis and Super Turrican on Super Nintendo in 90's, which is supremely fun to play. Turrican is a badass cyberdude. It has a awesome power up to collect to kick some ass, YEAHHHHHH! It has unique levels with boss fights is worthy challenge for these games. It has the best video game soundtrack of all times. If you haven't played Turrican yet, get this and ready to shoot the crap of them.

9 - Gunstar Heroes

One of the Treasures classics on SEGA Genesis. Gunstar Heroes is a fun packed shoot em up games that you playing as twins brothers to set their mission to save a planet gunstar. It has cool power ups, epic levels and cool boss fights. Since this game is great on SEGA Genesis, there is a sequel came out on GBA and did not sell well for unknown reason by fans, but it's still a praised game by most of the critics. If you like this game, you better play it, shoot it and kill them all.

8 - Sunset Riders

If you love Contra so much, here is a wild west fun Sunset riders, originally on aracde and then later released for SNES and Genesis, you get to play 4 of these guys to hunt the bad guys down. It has a great power ups, horse riding, excellent boss fight and decent wild west atmosphere. Konami made a lot of best series so far and it's a still wild west fun.

7 - Gun Force 2

How Irem can never bring this game to home console version, this is a greatest game i've ever played it on Mame32 emulator. It's a father of Metal Slug series, which made by SNK teams. Gun force 2 is most improved run and gun from the first original. Your mission to fight the bad guys, save a girls and defeat the evil nemesis from taking over the earth. It's has awesome power ups, epic levels and bosses. This game is kick ass, please Irem, bring it to XBOX Live and PSN will you.

6 - Megaman series

One of the Capcom's best run and gun of decide. Megaman is a awesome video game series on NES classics and X series on SNES. Megaman is set mission to defeat the evil Dr willy. You could get a awesome upgrades weapons, unique levels and challenging boss levels. It also has superb video game soundtrack on each games. Megaman is still great character and it's still a fun adventure.

5 - Jazz Jackrabbit

Oh yeah, one of the Epic classic game is Jazz Jackrabbit on PC. It has tons of epic levels, awesome weapons and stuff. I got to love the music theme because it's so catchy and funky for this game. It should have released on Xbox live and PSN, which is more requested to be here or why not make a sequel to second game don't you think.

4 - Earthworm Jim Series

I got to love Earthworm Jim classics on SEGA Genesis like 1 and 2 is a funniest game i've ever played. It has a lot of sense of humor with lot of funny moments. I like a weapons, I like a spectacular levels and classy boss levels. Interplay made a great run and gun game, expect that crappy sequel 3D junk for N64. 2D is just what you want is a fun game.

3 - Super Metroid

So here is a best run and gun adventure which is made by Nintendo. Samus Aran is a bounty hunter, arrives to planet zebes and her mission is to defeat the evil nemesis mother brain. You could upgrade your abilities, weapons, challenging levels, epic bosses, and darker sci-fi atmosphere. This is the best on SNES classics in history, especially I love the most of the metroid series is still great that Nintendo made a best games so far.

2 - Contra series


One of the Konami's kick ass games Contra is a action packed fun that you can play as these 2 guys to beat the shit of these bad buys. I got to love power ups that shoots the lot of bullets and has epic levels with tons of enemies to kill and awesome music for levels. It's still a hard game to beat whole of levels, but it's still fun run and gun games so far. You got to play this and get ready to kick some ass, HELL YEAHHHH!.

1 - Metal Slug series


This is SNK most epic run and gun action of all times. You could get to play as 4 of these characters and it has lots of weapons choices to collect it from. You can ride on tanks, planes, rocket and jet pack was way fun to play. levels in the game is epic and has lot of action to kill a hell out of bad guys and aliens invasion. Metal Slug is a best run and gun game ever made and you got to play this because you got to love playing most of shooting games like this game.

1 comment:

  1. I love this article. Good to debate on but I think Super metroid is the best no doubt.
