It took me 2 months to complete this game, Assassin's creed is a adventure game which is made by ubisoft the game devlopers who made a best known games such as Rayman, Prince of persia, Ghost recon and Rainbow six except the shit load of crap Just dance, this game is about Desmond Miles who got captured by abstergo corporation and force him to get in the machines called animus to read his memory of his ancestors Altair Ibn La Ahad who is working with Brotherhood leader Al Mualim gave him a mission to assassinate templars, so you playing as Altair Ibn La Ahad who does combat sword fighting, spying, assassinate people and does perform his stunt parkour, this game is intresting, you can run and jump around the building and pushing people away and attack innocent or guards for fun which reminds me of the game like Grand theft auto when you have fun mess around and kill innocent for fun, the swordfight is tough for most of the bad guys who always keep defending and blocking which I hate it, so it is a chance to hide somewhere safe that the bad guys don't see you around, It's like Metal Gear Solid when you don't get caught by bad guys which is the same thing as this game does, the mission adjectives is hard to find unless I need to synconised the view points which appears on mapscreen with icon or blurry place which don't have a view points icon which seems unfair to me when I got stuck in memory block 4 with no mission adjectives been appeared, so the mission adjectives is cool because you can eavedropping at people conversation, pickpocket at person to steal, interrogate at person who is working with templars and assassination target to kill members of templars, so there is a major flaws on this is I really hate those skinny mad bastards who acting like a retards who keeps pushing my way for no reason to spoiled the whole mission while I'm doing the 3 mins mission to kill 4 or 5 templars guards even the beggars bitch who asked me for money which is distracting my mission, I don't mean in a real life honestly cuz i've nothing to against these people but I'm saying problem in this game which these 2 idiots should be banned to not friggin piss me off, cut me a break, ok'ay lets see how this game is like.
Gameplay 7/10 - the gameplay is decent for the swordfighting and the stunts.
Graphics 8.9/10 - The graphics is beauifully detailed for characters and open world levels.
Music and Sounds 7/10 - The music is good but not the best ones, the voice acting did great and sound effects is decent.
Special Features 8/10 - It has memory block select to choose any levels and missions, more info's and so on.
Downside - Mad skinny guy and Beggars is annoying.
The bad guys keeps defending and blocking.
View points might not been appeared on map screen since memory block 4.
Overall 7.3/10 - Assassin's creed is a good adventure game yet and it's still hard and fraustraighting which I have problems is a bad guys is beening tough, would sequel is got to be better than this, maybe I get it next time.